High Quality
Consulting Services

Competitive and hard to understand what exactly is on offer.

Our Services

I am Marko, Financial Advisor

The market is hard to understand what exactly is on offer.

About Me My Services

Business Planning, Strategy & Execution

You can learn from your experiences and then use those lessons to shift strategy and try new interventions, as needed.

About Us Our Services

Free and impartial money advice

Experienced In Mortgage
And Financial Advice!

Solving social problems requires leaders from foundations, businesses, nonprofits, and governments to reimagine the systems and relationships that shape our world deep understanding of how to create social change.


Poprvé s informací o peer mentoringu přišla sestra, když jsem ležel na JIP. Podrobné informace jsme našli na netu a podle jejich příběhu jsme jednoho oslovili.

Lenka Štěrbová

Vrátit se po roční léčbě v nemocnici zpět do normálního života, navíc s nově nabytým handicapem v podobě invalidního vozíku, je náročný úkol. Peermentorka Jitka pro mě byla doslova lodivodem, pomohla mi dobrou radou v různých praktických obtížích.

Jarda z Točníku (VIDEO)

Nastávají situace, kdy se v rámci poskytované služby mezi peer mentorem a klientem utváří přátelství. Navázání bližšího kamarádského vztahu, tak často obohatí nejen klienta, ale peera samotného. Ani takové situace nejsou výjimkou. (VIDEO)

We Are Here To Ease
The Financial Obstacles!

Solving social problems requires leaders from foundations, businesses, nonprofits, and governments to reimagine the systems and relationships that shape our world deep understanding of how to create social change.

Consultivo team ensure to provide best advice and products available in the whole market and we are efficient in our services. Solving social problems requires leaders from foundations, businesses, nonprofits, and governments to reimagine the systems and relationships that shape our world deep understanding of how to create social change.

True & Innovative

On Time, Quick

Best & Reliable

Our Projects

Case Studies

We monitor the spectrum of available business investment and alert our users to market moving events as and when it happens.

Doing the Right Thing, at the Right Time!

Useful Process, Happy Clients
& Professional Solutions!

Creative Solutions

We will go ahead that extra mile to ensure our clients welfare, our working hours convenient to our Client's needs from our first contact.

Professional Team

We have the most famous experts in reputable company providing great advice on Wills, Lasting Power of Attorney and Debt Solut.

Diverse Approach

We don’t believe in the sales culture, but instead we believe in the service culture. Yes, time is precious, but we make the right decision.

Detailed Reports

Our experts are always available over the phone and online. Web chat is available from 8am to 8pm or you can give us a call for free.

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